Thursday, February 7, 2008

Potential and Forgotten Band Names

I used to be in a band. I played bass. It was fun and we got paid in beer and ....stuff. We played fiesta parties and the occasional bar on State Street. The name of our band was Ed Asner's Back
Ed was a burly, hairy guy that we would laugh about. Like him having a death wish and going hiking in Alaska without a shirt during hunting season. You get the drift... Life wasn't real complicated back then.

The idea of band names has never really left me. I'll hear a phrase, and I will spontaneously think to myself,"That would be a good band name." Still happens to this day. Some names have stuck in my mind. At least until the shock therapy takes hold....

Mong Van - I even came up with a concept for their first CD cover. It shows a large van, circa early 80's, orange and filled with Downs Syndrome people. The title of their first CD is room for one more. If this band could do some 3 chord blasting, it might go platium. Remember there is no bad PR.

I still like Ed Asner's Back. I know I'm biased, so be it.

I've always liked No Life East of I-5. This was my smug coastal period for which I will not apologize. Sorry about that.

Cocktails from Hell. I was in this band at their rehearsal stage and formation period. They found a replacement bass player that had superior skills to me. Very cool guys. Their front singer was the great grandson of Cecil B. Demille. They were a pre Janes Addiction outfit that did the most incredible version of Neil Young's Ohio. They weren't political, I think they dug the chord structure.

Bloody Anal Discharge. Wicked and horrible but very early 80's LA punk scene. They never made it out of my head. Do I hear a collective sigh? LOL

I'll think of more. They are like the voices in my head, they just won't leave me alone. You got any? I'd love to hear them...


Kimala said...

ok - do potential Christmas special names fall in this blog post category? You also generate odd ones in that department too. Your readers know about Bear. Do they know you lovingly referred to here as Baby B or Double B? You used to just crack yourself up with the thought of Baby B's Christmas Special. For some reason, you decided I should star in some role on this show - doing none other than riding a bike on an indoor trainer stand. (Good god, did I REALLY then marry this man??) The clincher of this imaginary nightmare special is when you had the bike trainer stand tip and me and my bike launch through the 2nd story apartment window into some snowy fate far below - followed out the window by none other than Baby B. The only connection I can make to Christmas is the snow outside. I'm sure there is some odd band or soundtrack that could accompany this potential holiday hit.

Thank you D - for keeping my life anything but boring :) Imagination is cheap. Good thing in our case. Imagination also doesn't require a babysitter. Yet another good thing. Keep thinking D :)

bigd Flanagan said...

Btw, your bike didn't launch it rocketed!! LOL, that Christmas special had ratings mega-hit all over it. Its hell being before your time or completely insane. Move over Syd Barret....

Crighton Johin said...

Dammit....I always come up with good band names, but then I forget them. I need someone to jot them down when I come up with maybe...ME? I'll get the Todd n Tyler URL for ya. They're a morning radio show and have horrible band names that they make up on occasion. There is a website that has them listed. Hundreds....many like the Bloody Anal Discharge

Two that come to mind are Nut Jelly and Ron Santo's Shins.

bigd Flanagan said...

Ohhhhh those are good ones....
Keep them coming Crighton...

bigd Flanagan said...

Poor thong I like

Kimala said...

1st song on the album - Snapper? or Butt Floss?

bigd Flanagan said...

Those might be more in line for medley towards the end of the CD. Good titles, one kind of works off the other..... thanks

bigd Flanagan said...

Douche residue is another...
Sounds like a Euro techno band to me :)

Kimala said...

ok - ewwwww - that one is just SICK

/me pukes a little in my mouth

Kimala said...

Hey - I just found this blog under Blogs of Note... what do you think of this effort? LOL - Who's in charge here?

Crighton Johin said... is the link I promised thirteen years ago....okay, it wasnt' that long ago.

These guys are nuts....Todd N Tyler are a radio show here in Omaha. Whenever some crazy saying comes up that sounds like a band name, it becomes a joke. Someone took the time to collate them. lol

Some of my favorites:
Sweatshirt Hookers
Separate Piles of Semen
Oozing Jesus
The Woodbillies
Gwyneth Paltrow's Head
Screaming Panties
Stink Finger For Christ
Flying Camel Toe
Transgender Siberian Orchestra
Kissing Captain Picard
The Brown Eye Boys
Missiles of Ass Destruction
Unexpected Anal
M.I.L.F.S. On Prozac
Big And Veiny
Susan Lucci's Tampon
L. Ron's Frozen Sperm

Well, you get the idea......


Crighton Johin said...

And if you'd like to listen to these crazy bastards, here's the link:

You'll thank or blame me later. They're quite funny, and very liberal. They are loved by the few here and hated by the Repugs.

Crighton Johin said...

Okay...I'm a moron. The links aren't showing correctly...let me try again:

The first is a tinyurl for the band name list and the second is for if you'd like to listen live sometime.

bigd Flanagan said...

I stand shamed by your resources. Why do bands even argue about names anymore? At this point it doesn't make any sense! Thanks again for the resources, I'll give them a check this weekend.