Thursday, October 16, 2008

Survival Skills

A colleague at work asked how I seemed so non-plussed when crazy work crap was going down. It surprised me that this comment came from someone who I only had a couple of passing conversations with previously.

Being a true professional, I engaged in some deep and thoughful reflection. After thinking on the subject, I came up with my pausible explanation.......



Parker said...

Amazing footage. Not my idea of a daydream, but for you, I can see you there.

It is funny though as I have had people ask me similar questions or give similar statements and my thoughts are usually "Are your crazy, I was falling apart". At least I can give the appearance that I am calm and altogether.

Yamis Jewell said...

That looks so cool!!! Nice to have a place to go in your mind to re-center. I go for bike rides now. Seems to help.

Parker - I'm impressed - I never look like I'm keeping it together - LOL.

Kimala said...

what was the crazy work crap? did I miss it? my initial thought was not daydreaming but was how you must be numbed from the crazy day to day life we live. :)