Sunday, June 8, 2008

Best film of the last 100 years?

The job at FSP continues to be interesting. Most days it is totally funny because guys are such dorks. That seems to be a constant. Occasionally it is something entirely different.

I use two alts at FSP. It was recommended that I not use my true avi for reasons of harassment and some connections, albeit loose, to those few in RL who know the man behind bigd Flanagan. I have a male alt and a female alt. I don't use the female alt to entrap male avis at FSP, these guys entrap themselves constantly. Some of these guys would hit on a snowman alt, I'm not kidding.

If I'm in the female alt, this is how it usually plays out: them: "you wanna ________"?, Me: "no thanks". Them: "sorry". Nine times out of ten thats pretty much how it plays out. Only the buffoon's that don't grasp the nuances of No get the freeze, eject and ban full service option. Plus sometimes you have to launch someone who is there just spamming this and that. They get launched too!

So I'm monitoring things, ahem, there and strike up this conversation. Yes folks it was a conversation! My alt had this conversation with this dude from Russia about another Russian girl he met on SL who know lives in Turkey. They have developed a relationship and spoken on the phone and communicate via email. He was asking me, I mean her, is their relationship real and if the feelings they have for each other are real? This conversation probably lasted 30 minutes or so.

At this point, I can say that SL has definately evolved for me once again. Another addendum to my SL resume can now include: Russian Relationship Counselor. BTW, I do give excellent solicited advice. He was all hung up on the reality of the situation if it takes place in a virtual setting. I told him to concentrate on the real feelings that were occuring to two real people and just take it one day at a time. To enjoy himself in the process of getting to know anther person. What I really was saying in my head was: shut the fuck up pal and enjoy the experience. The guy is a classic overthinker. I'm guessing he is some kind of scientist always asking the why question and needing three additional hypothesis for every possible alternative. Jeesh!

All in a days work. Me, I'm a cop. A sex cop..............


Kimala said...

Ok Mr. Sex Cop Relationship Counselor. You seem to be enjoying your job. How exactly can you identify an overthinker so easily? Has it been through your years of being married to one? Heehee :)

Onward... and let me know if that guy floating in the FSP pool had to be taken to the SL ER for an erection lasting longer than 6 hours... that guy was a mess. Geesh!

Me said...

:) Is it wrong I envy you as a sex cop ?