Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Big SL Peeve

Okay, I've kicked this around for awhile now. It's not going to stay in any longer.

I detest the slave - master scene in SL. I effing hate it. Do you sense my sincerity?

I think the tipping point was a bit of info a friend shared with me via some avi's profile that is a master. Sure you can say that it is rp and its a game but its total bullshit IMHO. This profile contained nothing but vindictive spew designed to degrade someone to the point of meaningless insignificance.

If SL slavery is just a game, well can I as a white avatar have A -A, African avis as my property? Not that I would but hey its just a game isn't it? Why not have any avatars other white avatars as my property? Reprehensible thought isn't it?

Well then, lets leave the racial malestrom aside, shall we? I'm a male avatar. I think I should have several female slave avis. After all, males are intrinsically superior. We have dominion over all we survey, correct? Even typing this drivel is an exercise in moronic thought .

The point is: people/avis are not property, chattel, collateral, bling....what have you. They are people. We had a pretty serious altercation in this country from 1861 - 1865 to remove that peculiar institution from this land. How people want to take a step back almost 200 years is beyond my comprehension.

Honestly, I don't get it. Don't get it at all.


Bradley said...

You so hit one of my buttons. Right on, my friend!

I think SL slavery is just as reprehensible as RL slavery. I know some couples in RL who play the master slave game. Some will want to strangle me for saying so, but to me someone who chooses to be anothers slave really needs some help. In addition, some one who has a need to dominate is no better.

All of this is said without judgment, of course.

Me said...

Yeah. I've gotta say..I don't get the whole point of the slave/master deal.

I don't understand what people get out of letting other folks push them around and tell them what they can and can't do.

And the asking for permission

That's just not for me.

I've gone shopping and seen avis leading other avis around by dog collars.

And they have to buy what the master says they want them to wear.

I just don't get it.

It's one of those things, I suppose. "Whatever floats your boat.."..

Kimala said...

D thank you for writing this post. I wish someone from Linden Labs would address it honestly - it seems incredibly backward. Working the U2inSL concert today - I was told that Slave collars, wedding rings and furries were all allowed as attachments - but nothing else. How can U2inSL endorse that??? I cannot even fathom the RL U2 EVER thinking slavery is ok. It contradicts all they fight for in Amenesty International and the ONE Campaign.

sigh... I suppose it is SL... and rules are different.

Thanks for speaking up D.

Parker said...

Dusting off my soapbox to give BigD more room to speak.

You have hit it between the eyes. I made the rounds of the dating sites and got very few responses. I had a clause in my profile that I was only seeking me who knew the difference between a woman and a possession. I deduce that most men on these sites do not know the difference. I am glad you do.

People (male, female, adult, child) are to be loved, cherished and cared for. Abuse breaks my heart more then anything else. I am in my little dither now because I went after someone in SL who was abusive toward 2 of my SL friends in SL and in RL.

Owning and abusing people just because you think you should or can - Not around me. Human beings are like teddy bears (with feelings) just hug them and love them.

Yordie Sands said...

Yes, BidD, it is nuts. At it's worst, SL can be a breeding ground for all the worst qualities in human nature.

A woman I' acquaited with had a slave relationship, and was stunned when she discoverd her "Master" is a registered sex offender.

Joonie said...

Oh darn....and I was going to ask you to be my Master. /me stomps foot.

:P JK! I actually visited a few Gor sims after I had been here a while. I so abhored the whole thing (still do) but a good friend was into and I was trying to understand what she saw in it.

Never did...never will. Power is one thing. Abuse of implied power is another. One human being over another..isn't that what starts most of the most horrific errors in the history of humanity?

This may sound sexist, but coming from a man makes this post all the more powerful. Thank you, bigd!